Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to Quit Drinking Alcohol when You Don't Really Want to Stop

It is an uphill battle to quit drinking when you really don't want to. The problem is that the scope of the problem is so monumental, and the task is so difficult, that any lack of motivation is bound to screw up your efforts at some point.

Many people wish that things were different in their lives and that they did not get drunk all the time. But sitting there and wishing this is not going to change anything. Recovery is about action and if you want to see something decent come of your life then you are going to have to get busy.

How to develop motivation to quit drinking

So how can we actually develop the motivation to quit drinking alcohol? The first way is to realize that you are creating all of your own pain in your life. Instead of playing the victim and believing that you have been dealt an unlucky hand, start owning up to the responsibility of taking ownership over your own life and happiness. No one is out to get you. You are responsible for your own sobriety and if you want to see your life change then you are going to have to take the bull by the horns and make it happen.

The second thing you can do to develop this motivation is to start looking up to others who have done it. Realize that other drunks have turned their lives around and found a different way to live. These people pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and made this new life for themselves. Recognize this and appreciate it for what it is. Now, realize that you can do the same thing if you desire.

Finally, you might take an inventory of what is important in your life and realize how drinking is affecting those things. Eventually alcohol will consume everything in your life that is good and destroy it. Realize how alcoholism is doing this to you (slowly over time) and vow to put a stop to it. You can reclaim your life if you take action.

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