Thursday, March 5, 2009

When Should You Consider Quitting Drinking?

The point at which you want to consider quitting is when alcohol has become a problem in your life. Now this is fairly obvious when you have smashed your car while driving drunk and are now sitting in jail, but what about before then? How can we know when to quit drinking alcohol before it gets to this point?

Well there are some classic signs and symptoms you might start watching out for. They include:

* Drinking more than you had planned on originally drinking.

* Getting completely drunk when you had intended on staying sober.

* Driving a car when you know you have had a bit too much to drink.

* Planning ahead so that you know you will be able to drink later on.

* Feeling guilty about how much you drank.

* Feeling guilty about what you said or did while you were intoxicated.

* Missing work, school, or scheduled appointments as a result of your drinking.

If any of these situations apply to you, then you might want to take a look at the idea of quitting. If you are just a problem drinker then this should be a non-issue and you should be able to stop without any help.

On the other hand if you are an alcoholic who is actually addicted to alcohol then you will need assistance in order to quit. This may or may not necessitate a medical detox from alcohol.

Good luck to anyone who is thinking of quitting!

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